Declaring bankruptcy may be the toughest decision of your life. Your financial condition will be revealed and you might have to undergo rebuilding your credit scores. However, these things are achievable if you hire a qualified Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney. People may try to skip this step because they believe that they can deal with these issues themselves. On the contrary, it may be a tedious task for them. Once, you have hired an attorney, you can expect him to perform the following duties:
Assess the difficulty of your case
Not all cases are complex but they are also not easy to handle. In all situations, your attorney should have the required skills and expertise to handle the case. Your case will depend on the following facts:
- If you have filed for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of bankruptcy
- The facts specific to your case
- If you are a small business owner
- Whether you have bankruptcy litigation
- An asset or no-asset case of bankruptcy
Based on the above facts, he will be able to figure out the difficulty level of your case. You can ask him how he has handled similar cases in the past.
Expect the right guidance from a bankruptcy attorney
The attorney will give you a retainer agreement to sign elaborating on all services he is likely to offer. He is the one who gives you sound advice throughout the case. He can advise you on the following areas:
- Whether Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 best suit your financial goals
- What outcome you can expect after the bankruptcy litigation process
- Any challenges or risks involved in your case
Expect him to file the case after assessing the facts
The lawyer will be able to assess the facts after carefully reviewing and deciding which option works the best for you. He is well-versed with the paperwork required to file the case and he will do so. You will have to provide all details of the case including income, assets, expenses as well as debt information. Moreover, he knows the timelines of the case because delays in filing and following-up may give rise to more problems. Sometimes, it also results in the dismissal of the case totally. It is the responsibility of your attorney to look after the details and procedure of the case.
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A bankruptcy lawyer can make your life much better than before as he works to get rid of your debts.
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