Entering into a prenuptial agreement is something that many people want. Prenups have various benefits, and signing one before your marriage is a smart move. However, many people hesitate to discuss it with their partners because of the image created by the media. Despite what other people say, prenuptial agreements are essential and protect your future.
Before you decide whether you want a prenup or not, you should at least learn the facts about it. This ensures that you make an informed decision, rather than simply believing other people. A family law attorney can help you understand what a prenup is and how it can be helpful for you.
Facts about prenuptial agreements that everyone should know about
Prenups are private.
One of the best things about prenups is that they are private contracts. You do not need to worry about your family members, friends, relatives, and other people knowing about the private matters of your relationship. The confidentiality of the prenuptial agreement is in the hands of the two people who agree to sign it. The agreement details otherwise remain a safe secret between you, your spouse, and your attorneys.
Prenups can make your relationship stronger.
Prenups have the reputation of destroying people’s relationships. It is often thought that a person who seeks a prenup before their marriage believes that their marriage is about to fail, which creates trouble. However, a carefully crafted prenup can actually cement your relationship when you think about it.
By agreeing on financial matters, you create a sense of transparency between you and your spouse. This ensures that you care about their assets as much as you care about yours. A prenup does not have to mean that you do not trust your partner. Rather, it means that you care about their long-term finances.
Prenups are not only for rich people.
Some people think that prenups are only meant for rich people. However, the fact that rich people have greater assets does not mean ordinary people do not need prenups. Prenups can be helpful for all people, whether they have one small car or billions of dollars of assets. These legal documents are meant to protect your financial future by securing your assets. It does not have anything to do with being rich or poor.
Prenups can protect both spouses.
Prenuptial documents are meant to protect both spouses and not be unfair or one-sided. According to the modern definition, prenups should be-
- Fair
- Have signatures from both the parties with lawyers present
- Not be one-sided as of the date it is signed
- Honest from both sides