you can rent the apartment of your choice, or whether you’ll be hired for certain jobs. A particularly finance-conscious romantic prospect may even nix you for a bad credit history! Your credit score can cost you thousands of dollars and deny you opportunities you never even knew you missed. Clearly, what you don’t know can hurt you. Consider two hypothetical life situations to illustrate this point
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Say you signed up for a dating service. Now, what if all the information available to your prospective dates is given to them by people you’ve dated in the past? What if the quality of the dates you get in the future is directly tied to what all the people you’ve dumped (or been dumped by) say about you? Starting to sweat a little?
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Say you’re applying for a job. Your salary, your job title, and the size of your office will be tied directly to what’s on your résumé. But what if your past employers wrote your résumé — and mixed up your personnel file with the file of someone else who was fired for sexual harassment? Can you imagine walking into that job interview without any idea of what your former boss reported or whether it was correct?
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Meeting your life partner, landing a great job — these situations are ones in which you have a great deal of personal interest in a successful outcome. Kind of like getting a good mortgage rate so you can afford or keep that dream home
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