An auto accident injury is covered by your health insurance policy if you have one. If the other driver does not have insurance, where are you left?
What Is Uninsured Motorist Coverage?
Your uninsured motorist coverage protects you from this very situation. In addition, uninsured motorist insurance covers all of the people in your vehicle if they are injured by a driver without liability insurance or a hit-and-run driver who leaves the scene of the accident without identifying themselves.
The amount of uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage will vary depending on state laws and personal preferences. However, insurance companies usually recommend coverage limits since it can be expensive to obtain higher limits than their suggested maximums.
What Does It Cover?
The uninsured motorist coverage in your auto insurance policy will generally pay:
If you are injured by a hit-and-run driver that has not been identified or cannot be located.
For injuries to passengers who have purchased their own coverage.
If you are injured while riding as a passenger on a motorcycle or bicycle (this coverage extends to drivers of those vehicles in most states).
When purchasing this type of coverage for your automobile, it’s important to know what is and isn’t covered.
What Is Generally Not Covered?
It does not cover injuries to the driver or passengers of a car if they are “at fault” for an accident. If you cause an accident, and then another motorist hits you as the result of your negligence (say if you rear-end someone), this coverage wouldn’t apply.
It covers non-insured motorists but only if their own fault is not involved.
It does not cover damages from natural disasters or theft. This kind of coverage would be more relevant in a homeowner’s policy.
May have exclusions for lawsuits that occur while participating in drag racing, street racing, off-road driving, or any other illegal activity.
Does not cover repairs to the vehicle in an accident situation;
It is most often provided when you purchase a policy but can also be bought as a standalone add-on for existing policies. You may or may not have to pay more than your current premium for this additional coverage.
The rates are dependent on many factors, including where you live and how much information is available about the prior driving behavior of your prospective company. Your state’s Department of Insurance can help you compare quotes from different companies.
When buying uninsured/underinsured motorist insurance, consider what it means in terms of coverage limits. This coverage refers to how many people are insured under one auto insurance policy at once, so if two family members are injured in one accident, then would your insurance company pay for both injuries?
That’s right: under this kind of policy, up to the limits you choose for your coverage will be paid out in one claim. It is very important to know what is covered under each limit. If a person reaches their lifetime cap of $2 million and then later requires additional care, they may not get any further coverage.
Does it Cover Hit-and-Run Drivers?
Uninsured motorist insurance covers you if the other driver involved is not identified and leaves the scene of an accident or flees from law enforcement. It will often cover passengers as well as drivers up to a limit specified by the policy. However, there are exclusions within some policies that limit coverage in certain situations:
The most common exclusion includes injuries resulting from being under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.
If your car is damaged and you are hurt in an accident, you may discover that uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage may be a very important part of your policy. You will also want to consult an uninsured motorist accident attorney. This kind of coverage can help protect your financial future as well as your physical health. If you have any other questions about auto insurance or uninsured motorist claims, talk to your uninsured motorist accident attorney or company about the specifics in your state laws and how these policies affect you.