Assume that you fell in love with someone you even don’t have an introduction with, but you feel alone without him/her. In this situation, if you do not find any companion to help you out just go online and type, a reasonable anchor at this platform is ready to help you. But, if you still wish to do something magical at home by yourself without seeking any help from anyone. Get ready for an exciting experience, because will come true soon.
A powerful love spell can change your mind and bring a positive result, so be confident in yourself before starting the procedure.
First of all, enlist your desires:
1- You desire that your ex-lover should get back on track.
2- You need reunification with an ex-partner.
3- You are searching for your real soul mate.
4- You want your personality to be polished and stunning for others.
5- You love to find the right man to catch him for a lifetime.
6- If you are facing a pathetic condition that you love a man but he is ignoring you or unaware of your love for him.
Successful results of spells casting show that white magic always remains powerful in issues regarding hope, positivity, and romance.
Black magic and love spell casting effectively
Black magic needs critical requirements, sometimes a magician has to stay at the graveyard for spelling high energy black magic spells by risking his own life. But, all matters concerned with love need soft solutions with the consent of one’s lover not against his own will. Casting spells against the agreement of a required person is assumed a sin in the regime of white magic because energy exerted by white magic spells is always positive which always originates harmony among two soul mates. Black magic is usually practiced against enemies to destroy their social, economic as well as marital life. Therefore, black magic is not suitable for long-lasting solutions to love issues.
For real success in achievement of the goal, you are advised to note all these four points with great care.
You are not expected to memorize them by heart but to get a hint about what is necessary and what should be avoided.
1- Love spells on Amber stone
Take a pure amber stone not artificial; clean it by washing with a good perfumed soap under flowing water tap. Now, dry it with a white piece of cloth. Now enlist the traits on a white paper that you want to see in your lover. Place a white candle and compose your thoughts focused on one point to attract your lover. A white candle is used only when you are ready to bleed your arm gently to write few lines of love spells along with his name with your blood on a white paper. Afterward, the white paper is burnt but the image of the written script still can be observed. Magicians assume the same script is written in the mind of your soul mate, so writing those lines is an important act.
2- Using hair for strong love spells
Usually, to get a single hair of your lover very hard when she doesn’t live near your location and your love is still one-sided. But, you are asked to get one hair by any means so that may be utilized in powerful love spell casting. The second important part is the implementation of spells on it; here, some sub-functions are advised by well-known magicians. For example placing that hair under your pillow before sleeping, wrapping it around a very sharp knife, or in few cases burning it with the flames of the red candle. However, a more common method is wrapping it around a white paper in which name of your lover has already been written with perfumed ink, making a packet shaped small bundle. Then place it under your pillow along with speaking out your lover’s name in a rhythmic way.
3- Using a doll as a love spell casting tool
Only traditional magicians use this method because making a precise doll is not easy. Especially when you are casting a love spell on a beautiful girl who is living near your house or she is your colleague but doesn’t pay that much attention or sometimes ignores you intentionally. In this scenario if she hates you then doll will be pinned in head to overpower her thoughts and feelings, but if she simply ignores you and shows no interest in your personality. Then a good spells caster must pin the needles in her both eyes to attract her towards you. If you desire to perform this method at home with real results, it is almost impossible when you are new to this field.
4- Staring at flames of burning candles for a long time
This spells casting is known as a very simple method to perform at home without any experience and guidance of a magician. You must be thinking about it as simply take a candle flame it up and start staring. No, it is not that much simple and easy, because it needs deep patience and intense concentration which ultimately comes after long experience. Moreover, conditions around you inside your room should be compatible and expressing love and positive energy. You may bring a good perfume to spray in your room, white clothes are used, and white bed sheets are also preferred. Take a small table, place a red candle and flame it up, sit in a cross leg posture and start staring. The whole process demands your focused imagination, intense involvement in the thoughts of your lover, while you are taking deep, breathes speaking her name with rhymes of few lines like, “come my dear sweat heart come, I am nothing without you”, “we are two bodies and one soul”. Breaths should be long and your eyes should continuously be staring the flames, although watching the flames for a long time is a meticulous thing and demands deep attention and patience, but to find one’s love for lifetime you have to undergo.